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One Heart, Two Homes Pack (CoParenting)

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One Heart, Two Homes equips your organization with the tools needed to conduct an effective, on-going program for parents who are raising children between two households. The information is designed for step parents, single parents, extended family members, caregivers, counselors and teachers/guidance counselors who work with parents. Includes interviews with 33 guests, including nationally known leaders, teens in divorced families and adult children of divorce. One Heart, Two Homes promises to be life-changing for parents walking the complex path of co-parenting after divorce and in remarriage and in never-married relationships.

There is Hope! (Single Father, Lsn. 1) - Meet the cofounder of the Center for Modern Family Dynamics, Jay Daughtry. Jay shares his journey into single parenting and gives insights into self-care as a single parent and grieving spouse while meeting the challenges of redefining his family. Ron Deal is the director of FamilyLife Blended and an author, speaker, and therapist. Ron offers wisdom and insight in meeting the difficult challenges of coparenting while providing clear direction for becoming healthy coparents. Understanding what is parental instead of personal will help coparents find a new pathway to communicate. Topics include: • coparenting • single father • ongoing communication • joint decision-making • sharing responsibilities • personal vs. parental parenting style. ©2020

There is Hope! (Single Mother, Lsn. 1) - Meet the founder of CoParenting International, Tammy Daughtry, who has been a coparent since 2001. Learn what coparenting is, what it is not, and what it might be with regard to its impact on children. Explore the question, “Divorce hurts—will our children be alright?” Raised by a single mother, Greg Garrett is the emcee of the One Heart, Two Homes resource. Having grown up in a divorced home since the age of four, Greg now shares the lessons he learned that helped him grow up whole despite coming from a broken home. Ron Deal is the director of FamilyLife Blended and an author, speaker, and therapist. Ron offers wisdom and insight in meeting the difficult challenges of coparenting while providing clear direction for becoming healthy coparents. Understanding what is parental instead of personal will help coparents find a new pathway to communicate. Topics include: • coparenting • single mother • ongoing communication • joint decision-making • sharing responsibilities • personal vs. parental parenting style. ©2020

There is Hope! (Stepfather, Lsn. 1) - Meet the founder of CoParenting International, Tammy Daughtry, who has been a coparent since 2001. Learn what coparenting is, what it is not, and what it might be with regard to its impact on children. Explore the question, “Divorce hurts—will our children be alright?” Meet the cofounder of the Center for Modern Family Dynamics, Jay Daughtry. Jay shares his journey into single parenting and gives insights into self-care as a single parent and grieving spouse while meeting the challenge of redefining his family. Raised by a single mother, Greg Garrett is the emcee of the One Heart, Two Homes resource. Having grown up in a divorced home since the age of four, Greg shares the lessons he learned that helped him grow up whole despite coming from a broken home. Ron Deal is the director of FamilyLife Blended and an author, speaker, and therapist. Ron offers wisdom and insight in meeting the difficult challenges of coparenting while providing clear direction for becoming healthy coparents. Understanding what is parental instead of personal will help coparents find a new pathway to communicate. Topics include: • coparenting • stepfather • ongoing communication • joint decision-making • sharing responsibilities • personal vs. parental parenting style. ©2020

There is Hope! (Stepmother, Lsn. 1) - Meet the founder of CoParenting International, Tammy Daughtry, who has been a coparent since 2001. Learn what coparenting is, what it is not, and what it might be with regard to its impact on children. Explore the question, “Divorce hurts—will our children be alright?” Meet the cofounder of the Center for Modern Family Dynamics, Jay Daughtry. Jay shares his journey into single parenting and gives insights into self-care as a single parent and grieving spouse while meeting the challenge of redefining his family. Raised by a single mother, Greg Garrett is the emcee of the One Heart, Two Homes resource. Having grown up in a divorced home since the age of four, Greg shares the lessons he learned that helped him grow up whole despite coming from a broken home. Ron Deal is the director of FamilyLife Blended and an author, speaker, and therapist. Ron offers wisdom and insight in meeting the difficult challenges of coparenting while providing clear direction for becoming healthy coparents. Understanding what is parental instead of personal will help coparents find a new pathway to communicate. Topics include: • coparenting • stepmother • ongoing communication • joint decision-making • sharing responsibilities • personal vs. parental parenting style. ©2020

Stable Parent, Stable Home (Single Father, Lsn. 2) - What about the first two years after divorce? Learn the good news about post-divorce adjustment and how parents can get to a healthy place in their journeys. Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp offers advice on dealing with “the blitz” of divorce. Explore how to build your child’s self-esteem. Hear from adult children of divorce and real-life coparents as they explain the power of positive words and how they shaped their post-divorce world. Single dads are great dads! Find out how to unleash the power of fathering and develop and maintain a connection with your children. There's nobody better at being your child's father than you! Topics include: • coparenting • single father • stability • protecting the kids • confidant, companion, counselor • childhood freedom • healthy parental healing. ©2020

Stable Parent, Stable Home (Single Mother, Lsn. 2) - What about the first two years after divorce? Learn the good news about post-divorce adjustment and how parents can get to a healthy place in their journeys. Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp offers advice on dealing with “the blitz” of divorce. Explore how to build your child’s self-esteem. Hear from adult children of divorce and real-life coparents as they explain the power of positive words and how they shaped their post-divorce world. Being creative and finding new routines will help you become the very best single mom you can be! Find help in harnessing the power of one parent to shape a hopeful future for your children. Topics include: • coparenting • single mother • stability • protecting the kids • confidant, companion, counselor • childhood freedom • healthy parental healing. ©2020

Stable Parent, Stable Home (Stepfather, Lsn. 2) - What about the first two years after divorce? Learn the good news about post-divorce adjustment and how parents can get to a healthy place in their journeys. Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp offers advice on dealing with “the blitz” of divorce. Explore how to build your child’s self-esteem. Hear from adult children of divorce and real-life coparents as they explain the power of positive words and how they shaped their post-divorce world. Topics include: • coparenting • stepfather • stability • protecting the kids • confidant, companion, counselor • childhood freedom • healthy parental healing. ©2020

Stable Parent, Stable Home (Stepmother, Lsn. 2) - What about the first two years after divorce? Learn the good news about post-divorce adjustment and how parents can get to a healthy place in their journeys. Former NFL quarterback Jeff Kemp offers advice on dealing with “the blitz” of divorce. Explore how to build your child’s self-esteem. Hear from adult children of divorce and real-life coparents as they explain the power of positive words and how they shaped their post-divorce world. Topics include: • coparenting • stepmother • stability • protecting the kids • confidant, companion, counselor • childhood freedom • healthy parental healing. ©2020

Co-parent Communication (Single Father, Lsn. 3) - Knowing where we are and where we want to go helps us plan for the journey. Defining your coparenting relationship, understanding healthy boundaries, and knowing how each category affects your children gives you the power to impact their post-divorce experience. This tool will help you assess where you are in your coparenting relationship currently. Most importantly, this tool will help you understand how your children are impacted by your coparenting choices. Language matters. How each parent talks about the other parent’s residence can either be painful and confusing to kids or it can be neutral and even positive. Learning to use words that foster a sense of “belonging” in the hearts of the children will give them the freedom to feel at home in both places. Topics include: • coparenting • single father • communication • perfect pals • cooperative colleagues • angry associates • fiery foes • dissolved duos. ©2020

Co-parent Communication (Single Mother, Lsn. 3) - Knowing where we are and where we want to go helps us plan for the journey. Defining your coparenting relationship, understanding healthy boundaries, and knowing how each category affects your children gives you the power to impact their post-divorce experience. This tool will help you assess where you are in your coparenting relationship currently. Most importantly, this tool will help you understand how your children are impacted by your coparenting choices. Language matters. How each parent talks about the other parent’s residence can either be painful and confusing to kids or it can be neutral and even positive. Learning to use words that foster a sense of “belonging” in the hearts of the children will give them the freedom to feel at home in both places. Topics include: • coparenting • single mother • communication • perfect pals • cooperative colleagues • angry associates • fiery foes • dissolved duos. ©2020

Co-parent Communication (Stepfather, Lsn. 3) - Knowing where we are and where we want to go helps us plan for the journey. Defining your co-parenting relationship, understanding healthy boundaries. and knowing how each category affects your children gives you the power to impact their post-divorce experience. This tool will help you assess where you are in your co-parenting relationship currently. Most importantly, this tool will help you understand how your children are impacted by your co-parenting choices. Language matters. How each parent talks about the other parent’s residence can either be painful and confusing to kids or it can be neutral and even positive. Learning to use words that foster a sense of “belonging” in the hearts of the children will give them the freedom to feel at home in both places. Topics include: • co-parenting • stepfather • communication • perfect pals • cooperative colleagues • angry associates • fiery foes • dissolved duos. ©2020

Co-parent Communication (Stepmother, Lsn. 3) - Knowing where we are and where we want to go helps us plan for the journey. Defining your coparenting relationship, understanding healthy boundaries, and knowing how each category affects your children gives you the power to impact their post-divorce experience. This tool will help you assess where you are in your coparenting relationship currently. Most importantly, this tool will help you understand how your children are impacted by your coparenting choices. Language matters. How each parent talks about the other parent’s residence can either be painful and confusing to kids or it can be neutral and even positive. Learning to use words that foster a sense of “belonging” in the hearts of the children will give them the freedom to feel at home in both places. Topics include: • coparenting • stepmother • communication • perfect pals • cooperative colleagues • angry associates • fiery foes • dissolved duos. ©2020

Meetings & Handoffs (Single Father, Lsn. 4) - A well-planned coparenting meeting can be the foundation for healthy communication and provide freedom through compartmentalizing the process of raising kids in two homes. Everything from suggested topics to tone of voice are addressed in this thorough examination of meetings with your child’s other parent. One of the most frequent experiences in coparenting is how mom and dad do transitions between homes. Handling the handoff in an intentional and positive way will protect children from the possible “flashpoint” these moments can become. This creative vignette is set to music and represents the internal pain children can experience when their parents are in conflict. Topics include: • coparenting • single father • coparent meetings • set boundaries • agree on discipline • setting schedules • finances in divorce • handoffs ©2020

Meetings & Handoffs (Single Mother, Lsn. 4) - A well-planned coparenting meeting can be the foundation for healthy communication and provide freedom through compartmentalizing the process of raising kids in two homes. Everything from suggested topics to tone of voice are addressed in this thorough examination of meetings with your child’s other parent. One of the most frequent experiences in coparenting is how mom and dad do transitions between homes. Handling the handoff in an intentional and positive way will protect children from the possible “flashpoint” these moments can become. This creative vignette is set to music and represents the internal pain children can experience when their parents are in conflict. Topics include: • coparenting • single mother • coparent meetings • set boundaries • agree on discipline • setting schedules • finances in divorce • handoffs. ©2020

Meetings & Handoffs (Stepfather, Lsn. 4) - A well-planned coparenting meeting can be the foundation for healthy communication and provide freedom through compartmentalizing the process of raising kids in two homes. Everything from suggested topics to tone of voice are addressed in this thorough examination of meetings with your child’s other parent. One of the most frequent experiences in coparenting is how mom and dad do transitions between homes. Handling the hand off in an intentional and positive way will protect children from the possible “flashpoint” these moments can become. This creative vignette is set to music and represents the internal pain children can experience when their parents are in conflict. Topics include: • coparenting • stepfather • coparent meetings • set boundaries • agree on discipline • setting schedules • finances in divorce • handoffs ©2020

Meetings & Handoffs (Stepmother, Lsn. 4) - A well-planned coparenting meeting can be the foundation for healthy communication and provide freedom through compartmentalizing the process of raising kids in two homes. Everything from suggested topics to tone of voice are addressed in this thorough examination of meetings with your child’s other parent. One of the most frequent experiences in coparenting is how mom and dad do transitions between homes. Handling the hand off in an intentional and positive way will protect children from the possible “flashpoint” these moments can become. This creative vignette is set to music and represents the internal pain children can experience when their parents are in conflict. Topics include: • coparenting • stepmother • coparent meetings • set boundaries • agree on discipline • setting schedules • finances in divorce • handoffs. ©2020

Risks for Children after Divorce (Single Father, Lsn. 5) - Parental and economic loss are two risk factors that can lead to negative outcomes for children. Understanding these risks will help parents be intentional in counteracting them with protective behaviors and decisions. What is parental competence, and what brings the greatest stress for kids after divorce? Explore the importance of being an engaged and on-purpose parent who is well-informed about the benefits of minimizing the influence of these negative factors on children. You can lead the way for your children in healthy post-divorce adjustment with the help of these insights and ideas. Interparental conflict is one of the most significant factors for determining risk for kids after divorce. Learn how to mitigate this risk, keep kids out of the war, and move beyond the hurt and anger of divorce through healthy coparenting practices. Topics include: • coparenting • risks for children of divorce • single father • divorce • parental loss • economic loss • smart, stable parents • minimize stress for kids • conflict between parents. ©2020

Risks for Children after Divorce (Single Mother, Lsn. 5) - Parental and economic loss are two risk factors that can lead to negative outcomes for children. Understanding these risks will help parents be intentional in counteracting them with protective behaviors and decisions. What is parental competence, and what brings the greatest stress for kids after divorce? Explore the importance of being an engaged and on-purpose parent who is well informed about the benefits of minimizing the influence of these negative factors on children. You can lead the way for your children in healthy post-divorce adjustment with the help of these insights and ideas. Interparental conflict is one of the most significant factors for determining risk for kids after divorce. Learn how to mitigate this risk, keep kids out of the war, and move beyond the hurt and anger of divorce through healthy coparenting practices. Topics include: • coparenting • risks for children of divorce • single mother • divorce • parental loss • economic loss • smart, stable parents • minimize stress for kids • conflict between parents. ©2020

Risks for Children after Divorce (Stepfather, Lsn. 5) - Parental and economic loss are two risk factors that can lead to negative outcomes for children. Understanding these risks will help parents be intentional in counteracting them with protective behaviors and decisions. What is parental competence, and what brings the greatest stress for kids after divorce? Explore the importance of being an engaged and on-purpose parent who is well informed about the benefits of minimizing the influence of these negative factors on children. You can lead the way for your children in healthy post-divorce adjustment with the help of these insights and ideas. Interparental conflict is one of the most significant factors for determining risk for kids after divorce. Learn how to mitigate this risk, keep kids out of the war, and move beyond the hurt and anger of divorce through healthy coparenting practices. Topics include: • coparenting • risks for children of divorce • stepfather • divorce • parental loss • economic loss • smart, stable parents • minimize stress for kids • conflict between parents. ©2020

Risks for Children after Divorce (Stepmother, Lsn. 5) - Parental and economic loss are two risk factors that can lead to negative outcomes for children. Understanding these risks will help parents be intentional in counteracting them with protective behaviors and decisions. What is parental competence, and what brings the greatest stress for kids after divorce? Explore the importance of being an engaged and on-purpose parent who is well informed about the benefits of minimizing the influence of these negative factors on children. You can lead the way for your children in healthy post-divorce adjustment with the help of these insights and ideas. Interparental conflict is one of the most significant factors for determining risk for kids after divorce. Learn how to mitigate this risk, keep kids out of the war and move beyond the hurt and anger of divorce through healthy coparenting practices. Topics include: • coparenting • risks for children of divorce • stepmother • divorce • parental loss • economic loss • smart, stable parents • minimize stress for kids • conflict between parents. ©2020

Holidays, Special Occasions & School (Single Father, Lsn. 6) - Finding ways to make the holidays and special events about your kids’ experience and not about the schedule is challenging, but possible. Practical advice and creative alternatives are suggested to help ease the stress for everyone. Kids don’t have a big enough voice to speak up when they are hurting. A school counselor gives us insights regarding the challenges, troubles, and concerns children face after divorce in the context of school. What do kids think about growing up in a divided family? Here are some of the greatest concerns, challenges, and authentic responses to “What do you wish you could say to your parents?” Topics include: • coparenting • holidays • special occasions • school • single father. ©2020

Holidays, Special Occasions & School (Single Mother, Lsn. 6) - Finding ways to make the holidays and special events about your kids’ experience and not about the schedule is challenging, but possible. Practical advice and creative alternatives are suggested to help ease the stress for everyone. Kids don’t have a big enough voice to speak up when they are hurting. A school counselor gives us insights regarding the challenges, troubles, and concerns that children face after divorce in the context of school. What do kids think about growing up in a divided family? Here are some of the greatest concerns, challenges, and authentic responses to “What do you wish you could say to your parents?” Topics include: • coparenting • holidays • special occasions • school • single mother. ©2020

Holidays, Special Occasions & School (Stepfather, Lsn. 6) - Finding ways to make the holidays and special events about your kids’ experience and not about the schedule is challenging, but possible. Practical advice and creative alternatives are suggested to help ease the stress for everyone. Kids don’t have a big enough voice to speak up when they are hurting. A school counselor gives us insights regarding the challenges, troubles, and concerns that children face after divorce in the context of school. What do kids think about growing up in a divided family? Here are some of the greatest concerns, challenges, and authentic responses to “What do you wish you could say to your parents?” Topics include: • coparenting • holidays • special occasions • school • stepfather. ©2020

Holidays, Special Occasions & School (Stepmother, Lsn. 6) - Finding ways to make the holidays and special events about your kids’ experience and not about the schedule is challenging, but possible. Practical advice and creative alternatives are suggested to help ease the stress for everyone. Kids don’t have a big enough voice to speak up when they are hurting. A school counselor gives us insights regarding the challenges, troubles, and concerns that children face after divorce in the context of school. What do kids think about growing up in a divided family? Here are some of the greatest concerns, challenges, and authentic responses to “What do you wish you could say to your parents?” Topics include: • coparenting • holidays • special occasions • school • stepmother ©2020

Critical Issues (Single Father, Lsn. 7) - Whether single parenting, coparenting, or parenting in a new, blended family, finances are always an important “hot topic” to be discussed and processed between parents. Money is emotional, but these commonsense tips will help keep your finances on track. Family therapist and child specialist Rebecca K. Griffith helps us understand the emotional needs of children through all their ages and stages of development in post-divorce life. She also explains how to tell the children about the decision to divorce. Topics include: • coparenting • critical issues • single father • finances • realistic budgeting • sadness • depression • anger • family dynamics. ©2020

Critical Issues (Single Mother, Lsn. 7) - Whether single parenting, coparenting, or parenting in a new, blended family, finances are always an important “hot topic” to be discussed and processed between parents. Money is emotional, but these commonsense tips will help keep your finances on track. Family therapist and child specialist Rebecca K. Griffith helps us understand the emotional needs of children through all their ages and stages of development in post-divorce life. She also explains how to tell the children about the decision to divorce. Topics include: • coparenting • critical issues • single mother • finances • realistic budgeting • sadness • depression • anger • family dynamics. ©2020

Critical Issues (Stepfather, Lsn. 7) - Whether single parenting, coparenting, or parenting in a new, blended family, finances are always an important “hot topic” to be discussed and processed between parents. Money is emotional, but these commonsense tips will help keep your finances on track. Family therapist and child specialist Rebecca K. Griffith helps us understand the emotional needs of children through all their ages and stages of development in post-divorce life. She also explains how to tell the children about the decision to divorce. Topics include: • coparenting • critical issues • stepfather • finances • realistic budgeting • sadness • depression • anger • family dynamics ©2020

Critical Issues (Stepmother, Lsn. 7) - Whether single parenting, coparenting, or parenting in a new, blended family, finances are always an important “hot topic” to be discussed and processed between parents. Money is emotional, but these commonsense tips will help keep your finances on track. Family therapist and child specialist Rebecca K. Griffith helps us understand the emotional needs of children through all their ages and stages of development in post-divorce life. She also explains how to tell the children about the decision to divorce. Topics include: • coparenting • critical issues • stepmother • finances • realistic budgeting • sadness • depression • anger • family dynamics. ©2020

Abuse, Addiction & Abandonment (Single Father, Lsn. 8) - The first step in preventing abuse is knowing what it looks like. Amy Alexander, LMFT and cofounder of the Refuge Center for Counseling, offers her wisdom and experience in dealing with the issues of emotional abuse in relationships and how to navigate the co-parenting pathway safely. Counselor Noah Zapf walks us through the process of understanding addiction and the risks it poses for children of addicts. His extensive experience allows him to provide keen insights and practical action points to help you deal with an addicted coparent. What if your children have been abandoned by their other parent? One parent can be enough when using the power of positive role models and mentors to fill in the gaps. Topics include: • coparenting • abuse • addictions • abandonment • single father • domestic violence • power and control wheels • minimizing • denying • blaming • coercion and threats • intimidation • isolation • honeymoon phase • tension building phase • explosion phase. ©2020

Abuse, Addiction & Abandonment (Single Mother, Lsn. 8) - The first step in preventing abuse is knowing what it looks like. Amy Alexander, LMFT and cofounder of the Refuge Center for Counseling, offers her wisdom and experience in dealing with the issues of emotional abuse in relationships and how to navigate the coparenting pathway safely.Counselor Noah Zapf walks us through the process of understanding addiction and the risks it poses for children of addicts. His extensive experience allows him to provide keen insights and practical action points to help you deal with an addicted coparent. What if my children have been abandoned by their other parent? One parent can be enough when using the power of positive role models and mentors to fill in the gaps. Topics include: • coparenting • abuse • addictions • abandonment • single mother • domestic violence • power and control wheels • minimizing • denying • blaming • coercion and threats • intimidation • isolation • honeymoon phase • tension building phase • explosion phase. ©2020

Abuse, Addiction & Abandonment (Stepfather, Lsn. 8) - The first step in preventing abuse is knowing what it looks like. Amy Alexander, LMFT and cofounder of the Refuge Center for Counseling, offers her wisdom and experience in dealing with the issues of emotional abuse in relationships and how to navigate the coparenting pathway safely. Counselor Noah Zapf walks us through the process of understanding addiction and the risks it poses for children of addicts. His extensive experience allows him to provide keen insights and practical action points to help you deal with an addicted coparent. Topics include: • coparenting • abuse • addictions • abandonment • stepfather • domestic violence • power and control wheels • minimizing • denying • blaming • coercion and threats • intimidation • isolation • honeymoon phase • tension building phase • explosion phase. ©2020

Abuse, Addiction & Abandonment (Stepmother, Lsn. 8) - The first step in preventing abuse is knowing what it looks like. Amy Alexander, LMFT and cofounder of the Refuge Center for Counseling, offers her wisdom and experience in dealing with the issues of emotional abuse in relationships and how to navigate the coparenting pathway safely. Counselor Noah Zapf walks us through the process of understanding addiction and the risks it poses for children of addicts. His extensive experience allows him to provide keen insights and practical action points to help you deal with an addicted coparent. Topics include: • coparenting • abuse • addictions • abandonment • stepmother • domestic violence • power and control wheels • minimizing • denying • blaming • coercion and threats • intimidation • isolation • honeymoon phase • tension building phase • explosion phase. ©2020

Dating & Remarriage (Single Father, Lsn. 9) - Andy Dunn helps us understand the difference in being a single parent or being a single coparent. That makes all the difference in the world as we explore how and when to introduce dating partners to the children. Topics include: • coparenting • dating after divorce • remarriage • single father • time to heal • focus on positivity. ©2020

Dating & Remarriage (Single Mother, Lsn. 9) - Andy Dunn helps us understand the difference in being a single parent or being a single coparent. That makes all the difference in the world as we explore how and when to introduce dating partners to the children. Topics include: • coparenting • dating after divorce • remarriage • single mother • time to heal • focus on positivity. ©2020

Dating & Remarriage (Stepfather, Lsn. 9) - Andy Dunn helps us understand the difference in being a single parent or being a single coparent. That makes all the difference in the world as we explore how and when to introduce dating partners to the children. Becoming a new stepdad can be awkward, but it can be done well—it is a gift to yourself, your new spouse, and especially to the children. This lesson includes a checklist of advice for stepdads just getting started. Topics include: • coparenting • dating after divorce • remarriage • stepfather • time to heal • focus on positivity. ©2020

Dating & Remarriage (Stepmother, Lsn. 9) - Andy Dunn helps us understand the difference in being a single parent or being a single coparent. That makes all the difference in the world as we explore how and when to introduce dating partners to the children. Twenty-three-year veteran stepmom Jillian Chambers shares a wealth of knowledge from her real-life experience. Understanding the unique dynamics of stepfamily relationships will help you avoid many of the common pitfalls of stepparenting. Topics include: • coparenting • dating after divorce • remarriage • stepmother • time to heal • focus on positivity ©2020

Beyond Child Support (Single Father, Lsn. 10) - Coparenting is not over when the child support ends. Hear from the hearts of these adult children of divorce and learn from their recollections and reflections of the mundane and the significant moments of life. Explore the topics of divorce and its impact on college, coming home for the first time, and navigating summer breaks and holidays once kids become young adults. In addition, a young adult watching a parents’ marriage unravel produces many deep and significant questions. Dr. Chris Gonzalez discusses some of those questions from a clinical and personal perspective. What can we learn from twenty-four years of coparenting? Long-term, real-life coparents speak to the mindset that helped them develop and maintain a healthy, functional coparenting relationship for the long term. Weddings and grandchildren are just a few of the things to be enjoyed in a lifelong coparenting relationship. Topics include: • coparenting • beyond child support • single father • life after 18 • family holidays • focus on the kids • put differences aside. ©2020

Beyond Child Support (Single Mother, Lsn. 10) - Coparenting is not over when the child support ends. Hear from the hearts of these adult children of divorce and learn from their recollections and reflections of the mundane and the significant moments of life. Explore the topics of divorce and its impact on college, coming home for the first time, and navigating summer breaks and holidays once kids become young adults. In addition, a young adult watching a parents’ marriage unravel produces many deep and significant questions. Dr. Chris Gonzalez discusses some of those questions from a clinical and personal perspective. What can we learn from twenty-four years of coparenting? Long-term, real-life coparents speak to the mindset that helped them develop and maintain a healthy, functional coparenting relationship for the long term. Weddings and grandchildren are just a few of the things to be enjoyed in a lifelong coparenting relationship. Topics include: • coparenting • beyond child support • single mother • life after 18 • family holidays • focus on the kids • put differences aside. ©2020

Beyond Child Support (Stepfather, Lsn. 10) - Coparenting is not over when the child support ends. Hear from the hearts of these adult children of divorce and learn from their recollections and reflections of the mundane and the significant moments of life. Explore the topics of divorce and its impact on college, coming home for the first time, and navigating summer breaks and holidays once kids become young adults. In addition, a young adult watching a parents’ marriage unravel produces many deep and significant questions. Dr. Chris Gonzalez discusses some of those questions from a clinical and personal perspective. What can we learn from twenty-four years of coparenting? Long-term, real-life coparents speak to the mindset that helped them develop and maintain a healthy, functional coparenting relationship for the long term. Weddings and grandchildren are just a few of the things to be enjoyed in a lifelong coparenting relationship. Topics include: • coparenting • beyond child support • stepfather • life after 18 • family holidays • focus on the kids • put differences aside. ©2020

Beyond Child Support (Stepmother, Lsn. 10) - Coparenting is not over when the child support ends. Hear from the hearts of these adult children of divorce and learn from their recollections and reflections of the mundane and the significant moments of life. Explore the topics of divorce and its impact on college, coming home for the first time, and navigating summer breaks and holidays once kids become young adults. In addition, a young adult watching a parents’ marriage unravel produces many deep and significant questions. Dr. Chris Gonzalez discusses some of those questions from a clinical and personal perspective. What can we learn from twenty-four years of coparenting? Long-term, real-life coparents speak to the mindset that helped them develop and maintain a healthy, functional coparenting relationship for the long term. Weddings and grandchildren are just a few of the things to be enjoyed in a lifelong coparenting relationship. Topics include: • coparenting • beyond child support • stepmother • life after 18 • family holidays • focus on the kids • put differences aside. ©2020