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Positive Partnerships Pack

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Being married takes work; living together without marriage brings even more challenges. This pack works through the nuances of a relationship and points to healthy marriages.

Positive Partnerships - Boundaries - Boundaries are simply a way of saying this is what you are and are not going to do. This lesson covers everything about relationships; married, dating, or single. Even if the client already has children, these videos will give them tips to help them make the best choices and have the best life ever.Topics include: • control • healthy relationships • boundaries • family boundaries • people pleaser • narcissist • getting help • responsibility • independence • unhealthy boundaries • submissive person • red flags • financial goals • communication ©2023

Positive Partnerships - Unhealthy Boundaries - Struggling with personal boundaries and expectations? Dive deep into the nuances of setting boundaries, preferences, and desires in this eye-opening video. From emotional and intellectual realms to the complexities of intimate relationships and financial decisions, uncover the key to a balanced life. Learn to distinguish essential boundaries from petty battles, ensuring healthier relationships and self-respect. Whether navigating personal relationships or financial choices, this video offers actionable insights for everyone. Transform your approach to life and relationships—watch now! Topics include: • unhealthy boundaries • boundaries • preferences • desires • relationships • respect • financial decisions • actions • feelings • priorities • compromise • emotional boundaries ©2023

Positive Partnerships - Cohabitation - Couples contemplate cohabitation as a "trial period" before marriage, often driven by financial constraints or external influences. Yet, remember, a home is more than walls; it's a haven for your family. Research reveals that a strong marriage foundation fosters a thriving home. Cohabitation, with its uncertainty, frequently hampers marital and family strength. It's akin to building with sub-par materials and hoping for stability. Choosing a lifelong commitment, rather than cohabitation, sets the stage for a fulfilling life for you, your partner, and your children. Topics include: • relationships • marriage • cohabitation • foundation • finances • emotions • piece of paper • attachment theory • commitment

Positive Partnerships - Making the Marriage Choice - Marriage is not something to take lightly, but it is also a wonderful blessing. This lesson stresses the reasons to get married and the reasons you might want to avoid marriage. The end conclusion is simple: If you are currently living with the person you want to marry, stop living with them until you get married. Topics include: • making the marriage choice • why marry? • character traits • stay together • cheat less • be happier • live longer • parent better • fewer fights • more money • most marriages last • living together • affairs • • love. ©2023

Positive Partnerships - Staying Married - Whether your client is considering marriage or already married, this lesson provides the three core practices for a relationship that can last. Marriage starts with commitment—even during the hard times. Add to that commitment a willingness to grow in ways that Cherish and Respect each other. These basic tools combined with a willingness to work hard will provide clients with practical and meaningful opportunities to improve or prepare for marriage.

Positive Partnerships - Single Parenting - This lesson discusses the challenges and impacts of single parenting, emphasizing the importance of understanding family dynamics and offering practical advice for navigating these challenges. From the rise in single-parent households to the effects on children and parents, the lesson explores various aspects of single parenting. It acknowledges the difficulties faced by single parents while highlighting their resilience and capacity to nurture loving relationships with their children. Ultimately, the lesson provides support and encouragement to single parents, emphasizing the significance of strong, caring relationships in fostering children's well-being. Topics include: • traditional family • single parenting• unmarried parent • live-in partner • relationships • stress • finances • emotional challenges • behavioral challenges •divorce • emotional symptoms • Adverse Childhood Experience • budget • care • consistency • choices • consequences Closed Captioning English Spanish©2024

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 1 Designed to be Different - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." Being a loving, life-long spouse is one of the most challenging goals in the world! It is not for the faint or weak-of-heart. You face major obstacles every day. Too many couples give up and call it quits before reaching their 8th anniversary. This first lesson focuses on balancing the challenges and benefits of two distinctive personalities. Topics include: •marriage •balance •differences •lifespan of marriage •expectations •one in marriage •suitable helper ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 2 Where Have all the Flowers Gone? - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." You are making an investment in your marriage that will pay major dividends immediately and down the road. Every marriage struggles with apathy and selfishness. The longer we are married, the more often we have to renew our commitment to one another and work to rekindle the romance. This lesson will focus on the greatest needs in the lives of men and women and will contrast the differences in male and female needs. Dr. Leman will challenge us to learn to view life through our spouse's eyes and to put the needs of our spouse first in order to do the best for one another. Topics include: •off track •men's needs •women's needs •The Five Love Languages •head knocking •affection •honesty •openness • communication •sexual fulfillment •respect •physical touch •quality time •acts of service •words of affirmation • giving gifts •spouse's needs •marriage ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 3 Striking the Perfect Match - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." Dr. Leman reminded us in this lesson that marriage is not a piece of cake; a good marriage takes time, understanding, and empathy. You need to understand the different needs of men and women and work to do your best for the one you love the most. This third lesson focuses on understanding the influence that birth order has on families and in relationships. Topics include: •birth order •first-born •middle-children •only-children •uniquely created •father/daughter •mother/son •unwritten rulebook •growing •striving •maturing •marriage ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 4 Looking for Love in Two Special Faces - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." The first three lessons have focused on our differences in personality, birth order, and the obstacles that married couples face in creating an intimate relationship. You have also learned how to balance your challenges, rekindle romance, and learn the benefits that your personalities bring to the marriage. This fourth lesson focuses on how vital it is for husband and wife to develop a healthy, harmonious relationship. Our children grow and thrive in a home in which mom and dad are on the same page. Topics include: •vitamin N •marriage perceptions •Christ-centere marriage •tyranny of urgent •conflict resolution •unity in marriage •same page ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 5 Don't Rock the Jukebox - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." Last week you talked about how your relationship directly affects your children, their self-esteem, and their outlook on life. So much is at stake in the willingness you and your spouse have to become one in your marriage. This fifth lesson focuses on how to resolve conflict in marriage. This lesson is one of the most important if not THE most important lesson in this series. What you learn in this lesson will help you for the rest of your life. Topics include: •feelings •judgments •miracle plants •nurturing •communication •vitamin C •conflict resolution •jukebox •turn on •tune in •forgiveness •pride •personal attacks •marriage ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 6 Sex Begins in the Kitchen - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." In our previous lesson, we focused on resolving conflict, and we compared marriage to a finely-tuned, delicate jukebox that needs care and stability. This sixth lesson focuses on sexual intimacy and fulfillment in marriage. Topics include: •human sexuality •light the fire •keep the flame burning •sexual needs •love •sex in marriage •intimacy in marriage •creativity •recreational companionship ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Making the Most of Marriage: Lesson 7 Enjoying the Journey - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Making the Most of Marriage." As husband and wife, you are going to need to continue to work on your relationship regularly. Both you and your spouse need to accept the awesome responsibility of making your marriage the best it can be. This seventh lesson focuses on enjoying the journey of marriage and becoming one for a lifetime. Topics include: •becoming one •submittion •leadership •perfection •journey •disillusionment •"The Wall" poem •marriage •commitment ©2003 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Bringing Peace & Harmony to the Blended Family: Lesson 1 Before All of Us Say I Do - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family." Learn to navigate blended family challenges with faith. In this first lesson you will learn about seeking God's guidance, praying with your partner, and committing to the journey of creating harmony and peace together. Blending families is challenging, but with God's help, you can do it! Think of it as a process - not simply a wedding. Topics include: •peace •harmony •dating •blended family •falling in need •falling in love •charting the course •credibility check •anger •jealousy •guilt •storms of life ©2000 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Bringing Peace & Harmony to the Blended Family: Lesson 2 With These Kids I Thee Wed - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family." In lesson two Dr. Leman suggests mom and dad must blend first, but there are likely other relatives involved. Share the commitment Joshua made as he declared, " ... But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. " Mom and dad should continue to ask Christ to lead you as you steer your family toward calm waters. Topics include: •dens •cubs •new family •discipline •prayer •Expectations - Reality= Disillusionment •new journey •weekly family meetings ©2000 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Bringing Peace & Harmony to the Blended Family: Lesson 3 Blending Without Colliding - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family." Blended families can avoid unnecessary collisions between parents and children by walking on the "balance beam of life." In this lesson, you will learn about reality discipline. Parents have an awesome responsibility to guide and nurture children. You can know you are serving under the authority of God as you make the best decisions possible when you discipline children in your family. Dare to be different from the world. Working together is the key to building a home where everybody wins. Topics include: •emotional struggles •blended families •reality discipline •teachable moments •accountability •sibling rivalry ©2000 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Bringing Peace & Harmony to the Blended Family: Lesson 4 Surviving the Birth Order Blender - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family." God created each of us as special, unique individuals who are ''fearfully and wonderfully made." In "Surviving the Birth Order Blender" you will learn how to appreciate each other's differences and commit to working through any unexpected challenges you may encounter along the way. Topics include: •birth order •first born •middle child •last born •only child •communication •family meetings •unrealistic expectations ©2000 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Bringing Peace & Harmony to the Blended Family: Lesson 5 Same Language-Different Dialect - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family." In this lesson, you will discuss these questions: Where is your blended ship headed? Is it being steered by a runaway tongue that can steer you into dangerous, stormy seas? Are you pouting because you don't like how the captain speaks to you, but the captain has no clue what is wrong except that you aren't really acting like a member of the crew? Ask God to help you discover ways to communicate effectively with your spouse and allow Christ to guide your home into safe, calm waters. Topics include: •communication •critical needs of husband •critical needs of wife •ignorance •fear •discouragement •inattention •love languages •the tongue ©2000 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)

Bringing Peace & Harmony to the Blended Family: Lesson 6 Looking at Life through Your Mate's Eyes - Another great Kevin Leman classic lesson from our Classic Series, "Bringing Peace and Harmony to the Blended Family." Explore marital harmony through empathy and biblical standards. Gain insights from lesson six into lasting relationships by seeing life through your partner's perspective. Strengthen your marriage for a lifetime. There may be conflicts and disagreements along the way, but with Christ's help, your ship will arrive safely at its destination. Topics include: •Biblical standards for marriage •committment •forgiveness •peace •harmony •six stages of blended family •gracefulllove •unfair fighting tactics ©2000 THE SAMPSON COMPANY (All Rights Reserved)